Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Read the office situation provided below an utilize a variety of communication modes as you respond to the question that follow. Chester visite the office of the government agency. As he approach the receptionist desk, he saw that she was speaking to a person staning at the desk. He stood nearby an was able to hear the conversation. He then realize that they were chatting about their weeken's activities. He continues to wait for a while hoping that the receptionist would notice him. Unfortunately, he was ignore until he sai "excuse me". The receptionist turned her back to him an continue her conversation 1. State the core problem of this situation. 2. Explain the impression that are create as a result of this situation. 3. Outline the approach that should have been taken. 4. How can the company ensure that this situation is not repeated.


Anonymous said...

the core problem of this situation is that receptionist do not know how to handle customers

Anonymous said...

The core of this situation is that chester didnt receive prompt customer service when he entered the government organization and he was ignored by the receptionist. what could have arise from this situation a confilct would have taken place with the reception and chester by the action of the receptionist turning her back on him, it could be a matter of importants

Unknown said...

The core problem in this case study is that the receptionist paid no attention to the client. it is quite obvious that he was being ignored.

Anonymous said...

people like thoes should not work as a customer rip because the organization is going to loss in something.

Anonymous said...

the core problem of this case study is the receptionist, because she should attend to the gentleman first and after she had finish dealing with the situtation she could go back to what she was doing instead of ignoring the gentleman. The receptionist does not know how to deal with her customers and the company should take action.

Unknown said...

the impression that is created as a result of this situation is that the company is inadequate and is unable to provide efficient service.

Anonymous said...

do you think we should be studying for our assessement even though we should have study at our home? just asking.

Unknown said...

The approach that should have been taken is that the receptionist should have acknowledged the customer and find out how it is that she could have assisted him being that she was not neccessarily dealing with a client.

Phylicea said...

the core problem of this case study is the receptionist, because she should attend to the client first and after she had finish dealing with the situtation she could go back to what she was doing instead of ignoring the client. The receptionist does not know how to deal with her customers.

Unknown said...

The company can ensure that this act does not occur again by sending the receptionist on training.

nameshia morris said...

The core problem of this situation is the receptionist is not a right person for the business in regards of sucess to the buiness,due to the fact of lack in customer service skilss and sensitvity to the customer.That is Cherster could have got frustrated and turn away,which brings no suceess to buiness,or a conflict could have arise

Anonymous said...

the impression that the receptionist gave the gentleman may give him a bad feeling of the company and he may not want to come back there because of poor customer service. this can also lead him to tell others not to go there because of poor customer service and the company will start to lose their customers and the profit that they would make. vanessa

Anonymous said...

The receptionist n his/her behavior towards customers.


Unknown said...

The impression that is created from this situation is that the customer does not matter. The approach that should have been taken is that the receptionist receptionist should have attend to the customer and then returned to her conversation if it is that important

Anonymous said...

the impression that was created in this situation is a 'i dont care attitude'

Unknown said...

The recepionist would cause the business to have a low production.
The receptionist has no interest in her work.
Good customer service is important because it encourage the customer to come back.

Anonymous said...

The receptionist do not know how to deal with customersan and it looks like the customers doesn't matter to her.From the gentle man approch her desk she should have told her friend to wait while she deals with this gentle man.Then she most turn to him and say good morning may i help you and then deal with he's problems then when she finish with the gentle man she could go back to her conversation.The company could talk to her about how is treating the customers and give her a warning.If she doesn't change then they can get someone who can do it

grace oddman said...

The core of this situation is the fact that the receptionist saw the client not knowing who this man could be and not acknowledge his approach from the first he stepped in the office. showed that she 's not trained to do the job she is doing. It could have caused her 1. Being fired, if its not the first time. Warned/properly wether by letter of verbally.

Anonymous said...

This would have a bad reptitation on the company.
The customers would not come back.
The company would loose business.

Anonymous said...

The receptionist should be more prompt and should not ignore the customer.Ruth

JASS Institute said...

I have seen the comments, i am impressed with your ability to identify the core problem.

Anonymous said...

Outline the approach that should have been taken.
ans. she cud ave told her fren to hold on n create the customer with a warm greeting n apologise for her absent minded behavior


Anonymous said...

To ensure that this situation does not repeat the company. The company should give her a written letter about the situation and if no improvement the company should assign her to the company workshop in customer service.Ruth

Anonymous said...

the company should send her to do a customer service course and send her a notice informing her that if hwer behavior or attitude does not change she will have to leave the work


Anonymous said...

please give my thoughts a try

Unknown said...

The core problem was that Chester was ignored by the receptionists who did not give assistance to him.

Unknown said...

The impression created is that Chester was angry.
The receptionist displayed inefficient service to her client.

Unknown said...

When Chester approached the receptionist she should have assisted him of the service required, even though she was conversing with another coworker.

Unknown said...

The company may insist that the receptionist do not repeat this behaviour

Anonymous said...

I must continue to say that the fact that the recptionist is opening her laundry at the reception area also show she's not suitable to work at the front until she's properly trained.
One bad mouth cutomer is the voice of at least ten customer. chester could have just walked out and taken his business somewhere else. He could publish how he was dealt with and where woould that leave the organisation. The recetionist in the first place shoud not have been speaking to her friend so loudly. Upon chesters approach, the receptionist should have ended her conversation there and then and acknowledged him. she should have start uses up her training, smile and asked how can i help you today.
The receptionist should be relieve from her position until sh'e properly trained to ensure it doesnt happen again.
THE CORE PROBLEM OF THE SITUATION IS THE RECEPTIONIST SHOULDN'T BE AT THE FRONT DESK.DICUSSING HER weekends activity. in the reception area. she shouldn't even speaking to and friend in the manner she was doing.
She acknowledging the client. her turning her back to the client, evewn after he said excuse me.