Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Transfering a telephone call

Class Test. (1)

Instruction: Read the question below and respond via blog. Only comments received today will be graded.

1. List the steps in details how a telephone call should be transferred to a third party in an organisation.


Tresan T said...

take the name of the customer to address them directly and take a telephone number if possible
tell the customer the reason for transferring the call before transferring them
ask the customer if it is ok with he/she to transfer the call
call the department to which the call is being transferred to and if they can accept the call
return back to the caller and tell he/she the name of the person the call is being transferred to

Shomari said...

take a phone number if necessary,and ask the client if he/she would like to be transfered

explain to the client why the call is beign transfered

call the department to which the call is beign transfered and explain the situation at hand

introduce the client to the person on the other end of the line

Anonymous said...

The steps are:
1. Take a name for reference from the customer and if necessary ask customer for all necessary information to assist them
2. Tell the caller the reason for transfer before transferring the call and then ask if it is ok to do so
3. Call the department or peron where you are transferring the call and make sure that they can talk the call.If they are able to take the call, give them the person's name, their request, and any other information
4. Then, return to your caller and give them the name of the person they are being transferred to and the department.

natoya madden said...

step 1
introduce your name and organization and then take the customer name, their request and other relevant information.
tell the customer the reason for transfering the call
ask the customer if it's ok with he/she to transfer the call
then call the department or person to which the call is being transferred to state the name of the customer and their request and ask if they will accept the call, and if they will accept the call
return back to the caller and tell he/she the name of the person the call is being transferred to then transfer the call.

Anonymous said...

step 1
fist and mostly take the name of the client your speaking with so u can called them by there name

step 2
if the matter arise that u the telephone operator cant manage ask the client if he/she can hold, so u can transfer the call

step 3
tell the client to please hold for a minute and is sorry for the hold up

step 4
the the department that is suitable for the given task

step 5
them connect the client with the department who can help them with the given problem


trudean said...

take the name of the customer so that you can address them by their name,and tele# if needed.
let customer know that you are transferting the call so they will be put on hold for moment.
call the department to which the call is being transferting to and interduce client and and the purpose of the call and if he/she will accept the call. STEP4 return back to main caller and let he/she know weather their call been accepted.

Sheryl S said...

Step1: answer telephone in a courteous manner. Take the client's name as to establish a more warm and friendly atmosphere.
Step2: Let the client know that you will be transferring them to someone who can be more of an assistance to them (ask permission first)
Step3: Contact the necessary department and make them aware of the client on hold and the nature of their call.
Step5: Return to the caller and let he/she knows the name of the person who will be assisting them. Then you would transfer the call.

jodie-kay said...

identify yourself to the client also tell him/her the reason why they are being transfered before you do.

inform the department of the client to make sure they are available therefore you give the client' name and other information.

return to the caller and give them the name and deapartment of the person with whom they are about to speak with.

introduced the client with the person they are being transfered to.

also give your name in case the person becames unavailable.

latoya said...

when transfering a telephone calls you should first tell the caller the reason why your transfering he/her, call the department to which your transfering the call to and ask if he/she can take the call, if the person is able to you should give the necessary information to the person that will be furthering assisting he/she like the person name, request and any other relevant information, after that you should return to the caller and give them the person name, the department and telephone number of who would be assisting them further, however if you are not a 100% sure to whom you would transfere the call to , you should take their name, number and find out which direction to point he/she. give your name-

Anonymous said...


State the name of the business and your asked customer imformation name and telphone number.

Tell the customer that you are going to transfer his/her call to someone who can assist you better if you can hold.
call the person and tell her the situation and if he/she can assist the client.
tell the client thanks for holding and i am going to transfer your call now.(Alethia)

Tanisha said...

When transfering a telephone call step1 you should tell the caller the reason why you are transfering the call and ask the caller if it is ok. Step2 you should call the department where you are transfering the call to and see if the person is availabe and if they are able to take the call and you should tell person the caller name their request and the relevant information.
step3 then you should return to the caller and give them the name of the person they are being transfer to.
Step4 when you are not sure who a caller is transfer to take their name and numberand find out where the call should be directed, give your name and number as a reference in case the appropriate party does not contact them.

Anonymous said...

take the name of the client for reference also take the client phone number if needed
tell the client the reason for transferring the call before doing so
make sure that the cliient as agreed for the call to be transferred
call the department which the called is being transferred to and make sure that they can take the call and that person who is going to accept the call can assist
go back to the client and tell he/she the name of the person the call is being transferred to and then transferr
(althea barnett)

Anonymous said...

take the name of the client for reference also take the client phone number if needed
tell the client the reason for transferring the call before doing so
make sure that the cliient as agreed for the call to be transferred
call the department which the called is being transferred to and make sure that they can take the call and that person who is going to accept the call can assist
go back to the client and tell he/she the name of the person the call is being transferred to and then transferr
(althea barnett)

Latoya said...


and number as a reference because it helps in the case if the appropriate person doesnt contact he/she

Anonymous said...

1. firstly advise the caller that you are going to put them on hold inorder to transfer the call to some one who can better assist them with their quries.
2. (before that make sure you get their consent to transfer the call). Take the name of the person on the line.

3. Dial the extension of the other party (department) asking them if they accept a call from that specific person.
4.After the person gives you the consent to transfer the call return to the caller thanking them for holding.
5. And give them the name of the person whom they are going to speak with.


Anonymous said...

tell the caller you are going to transfer the call and the reasons why.
ask the caller to hold while you locate the other party.

return to the caller if the other party is taking too long to locate, if the party cannot be located and if the person is found.
Tell the caller that your going to transfer the call and to whom your going to transfer the call to.

Merissa Bryan said...

Firstly:you answer the teliphone and identify clearly the name of the organisation which you are representing,then greet the client by the time of day weather morning or evening,you can also state your name and then ask how you may be of assistance.
Secondly:After ingaged in conversation ask the customer for his/her name to personaloise the conversation,if you are not able to handle the the client's complain/request tell that customer that you are going to transfur their call to someone who is bettr equipt to handle their request and ask if it is ok to do so.
Thirdly:Tell the client to hold for transfur and make the transfur to some one hwo is compitent and available to take the call.
Forthly:Re-comect with the client and tell him/her the name of the person who is going to take the call.

Shanika Watson said...

Step 1>>>
As you answer the phone,greet the customer " Good Morning, Afternoon etc. State the name of the organization and your name and ask the customer what he/she would like to be assisted with.
"This is pavilion Jewellers, Shanika Speaking, How may I assist you?".
Step 2>>>
At this point the customer will start identifying what they need help with, what they want to have are get information about.
Step 3>>>
If at a step 1 or 2 a third (3) caller is calling. Simply ask the present caller if they could give you a second. "Ms. March could you please hold for a second". If the caller says "yes".
Step 3>>>
Put the present caller on hold. Step 1 and 2 should take place with the waiting caller in order to identify what the customer wants/needs etc.
Step 4>>>
At this point you the employee is dealing with two customers. You may decide to tranfer the present caller to another receptionist order to get back to the caller before.
Step 5>>>
Ask the caller respectfully if he/she could wait to tranfer. "Mr. Beckles could you please hold for transfer".
Step 6>>>
Two callers are now on hold, you now quickly call another receptionist and ask if he/she could assist a waiting caller, the caller's name and what he/she would like to get assisted with.
Step 7>>>
Then quickly take the second caller off hold and tell the caller who their being transfered to " Mr. Beckles please hold you are now being tranfered to Ms. Givans, thanks for waiting ang enjoy your day".
Step 8>>>
Then quickly tell the receptionist Ms. Givans she will be recieving the caller now.
Step 9>>>
You are now with 1 caller, the first caller Ms. March and should continue assisting her professionally.

Unknown said...

Take the name of the caller, telephone and reason for call.
Tell the caller you are going to transfer, the reason for doing so and ask if it's okay to do so.
Call the person or the department that you are transferring the call to, make sure they are able to take the call.
Give the name of the person,their request and any other information,If accepted.
Return to your caller,tell caller thanks for holding afterwords give the name of the person they are being transfer to,the department and the telephone number(if possible).

Anonymous said...

Steps i have identified in having to transfer a telephone call.
1st Step: identify the caller, this is done by taking their name and the query that they have called about.
2nd Step: let the client know that they are going to be transferred.(ask if they mind holding), after that get with the third party and identify to him/her-the client's name, their request and any other relevant information. if they are willing to deal with this call
3rd Step: Thank the client for holding, introduce to them the name of the person to which they are being transferred to along with the name of the department etc.
4th Step: make the transfer

stacey said...

step1 answer the customer politely by introducing the company name and your name ask the customer how you could assist him/her

step2 ask the caller name and number and also reason for calling.

step3 then tell the customers possible reason for transferred their call

step4 call the departpment to which the caller is being transferred to.

step5 now tell that caller there's been a customer on the next line for an situation about a problem

step6 now tell the customer that there now you being transferred to the other department and the is on the line

Anvaniese said...

you should interduce the name of the company,than your name.
when a customer call ask for their name,address, telephone number if it's possible.
briefly tell the customer why they will be transferred befour doing so.
ask the customer if its alright to transfer the call and if he/she could hold.
call the department to which the called should be transfered and explain what is the situation about and the name of the customer ,ask if the person should be to them.
then retured to the caller and apologise for the long waiting,then give the name of the department and transfer the person.

Sashanna said...

Tell the caller the reason for transferring their call before you do so.Ask the caller if its ok to transfer their call.
Call the department or person where the call will be transferred and make sure they can take the call.If they are able to take the call give them the person's name, their request, and other relevant information.
After this return to your caller and give them the name of the person they are being transferred to, the department and the telephone number(if possible).
If your not sure to whom a call should be transferred to, take their name and number and find out where the call needs to be directed. Also, give them your name and number as a reference in case the appropriate party does not contact them.

TISHANA said...

Ask the client for there name to assist he/she better
Then tell the customer that you are going to transfer the call if them can give you a minute
I transfer the call then i suggest my name to department then tell then about the client problem and the client name and ask her if she could assist the customer she said yes
I Transfer back the call to the customer said thank you for holding the line than i transfer the customer call to department and the person she will talking to
(Tishana SHAW)

Violet said...

step 1: tell the caller the reason for transfer before doing so.then ask if it is ok to transfer the call.
step 2: call the department or person to whom the call must be transfer to see if they are availabe to take that call. if they are available give them the callers name, their request and other relevant information.
step3: return to the caller and give them the name of the person, department and telephone number to whom they will be transferred.
step 4: when you are not sure where to direct the call take their name and number and find out where the call needs to be directed.
give them your name and number as reference in case the relevant person has not contact them.

Juliet said...

* Ask the client for his/her name to address them properly.

* Then ask the client if they are able to hold for a minute.

* If they can hold,call the department or person and inquire if they are available to take that call. Give the relevant information such as the name and where they are calling from.

* Transfer the call two way to the client and the customer.

Unknown said...

The steps for how a telephone call should be transferred in an organisation are as follows:

Ask the customer for his or her name so to better address him or her

Ask the client if he or she to hold so to get someone who can better assist him or her
call the department to which the call is being transferred to and if they can accept the call

Inform the person to whom the call will be transfered to about any vital information that you have received such a the customer's name

return to the caller and tell him or her the name of the person the call will be transferred to